By: Red Pill | 10-04-2017 | News
Photo credit: Kevin Nguyen | Facebook

Police Officer in Mobile, Alabama Resigns after Caught on Camera Swerving for Miles before Crash

Law enforcement agencies are not only supposed to enforce the law, but they're supposed to follow it.

The men and women who serve the general public in the civil service public sector indeed have a tough career, and put their lives on the line each and every day that they wear the uniform.

However, it's not every day that they endanger lives by careless actions; and when they do they should be held accountable.

That's exactly what happened in Mobile, Alabama after an officer was captured on film swerving all across the highway endangering the lives of multiple people along Interstate-10.

The Mobile Police Officer has now been identified as Lieutenant Jeffery Hilburn, who had served over 16 years on the force.

As the video progresses for over five minutes the man filming the encounter says "He's 'bout to kill someone," just moments before the squad car actually collides with the vehicle in front of it. "Damn, he just hit 'em," the voice says behind the camera.

The video ended with the officer hitting his emergency lights and pulling over the person he just hit, and there's no word as to what happened after that incident.

Initially, the Mobile Police Department issued a statement about the video stating they'd investigate further, and placed the Officer on Paid Administrative Leave.

"The factual accuracy of the content of the video is part of the investigation and will be confirmed or denied at the conclusion of the said investigation," Mobile Chief of Police Lawrence Battiste says, via media release. "Please be patient as we work to complete this investigation."

Now we have received word from the Lieutenant’s personal Facebook page that he's going to resign from the Mobile Police Department.

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Despite Lieutenant Hilburn’s resignation, the Mobile Police Department insists it will continue to investigate the case and bring forth the necessary charges against their now-former officer.


—<i>[email protected]</i>

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