By: Kyle | 10-02-2017 | News
Photo credit: Japan Today

Graph Shows Japanese Women Make Half Of What Men Do

While gender equality continues to balance out in the West, women in Japan are struggling to make as much as men do. The National Tax Agency of Japan shows the average salary of women in 1979 was half of what men's salaries were making just 51.1% of their male counterparts.

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:</span>

Now, as recently as 2014, women made just 52.9% despite many social advancements for women. A recent book highlighted a problem but blamed the imbalance on the laziness of Japanese women. That's right, the book tries to explain the wage gap in Japan is because of the "low productivity of Japanese women." Maybe if they were paid as much as men they would have more motivation to work.

To show how large the discrepancy is just take a look at women's salaries in 1979 in the United States at 62.3% of men's. Fast forward to 2014, and now woman make 82.5%. The difference between what women and men make in Japan is still very large and far behind what other countries are paying women.

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