By: Steve Dellar | 10-01-2017 | News
Photo credit: Alex Malikov

Russian Carpenter Chops Off Hand To Steal Watch

We all know that Russians are a tad more used to violence than the rest of the world, certainly the west I’d say. Just have a look for Russians dashcams during traffic on Youtube and you will fall backward from what you see. From people using knives and baseball bats in roadside accidents or bust-ups, to others flashing guns at you for not granting priority at a stop sign. Hundreds of years of dictatorship and vodka have left them thinking about violence and oppression a bit different than the rest of us.

This latest act is once again surprising though. A Russian carpenter was walking home after his shift with his toolkit in his hand when he saw a businesswoman sitting on a terrace, wearing a gold watch, bracelet and rings on her left hand. Her right hand was being used to hold her mobile phone to her ear as she was talking to a friend.

The carpenter probably had already digested his daily dose of vodka during lunch because he came to the ‘brilliant’ conclusion that the best way to steal the woman’s watch and jewelry were to take his ax from the toolkit and chop off the hand which he did to the amazement of the onlookers on the terrace.

The carpenter then grabbed the watch and bracelet as well as the severed hand. In a fit of anger, he discovered that most of the jewelry was fake and thus decided to care up to the hand further so it could no longer be reattached to the woman’s body.

Meanwhile, the woman was rushed to the hospital, completely covered in blood.

Mr. Sergey Travin, a lawyer for the accused carpenter, reacted with typical Russian astonishment at reporter’s questioning about the case afterward.

Mr. Travin: 'During the police investigation, the woman said that if he had shown her the ax, she would have given away everything. The carpenter had no previous criminal history. He's from a decent family, a father of two, and the owner of a three-floor wooden house that he built himself. This case truly happened and I shared it with other lawyers on Facebook. I didn't expect that it would cause such an interest.’

The accused faces up to seven years in prison.


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