By: Kyle James | 08-24-2017 | News
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Disturbed Priest Sentenced For Child Pornography, Sentence Is A Joke

A New Jersey priest has been sentenced on Thursday for having and uploading child pornography from his Wayne County Apartment. Kevin Gugliotta pled guilty earlier this year and has now been sentenced to 11 and a half to 23 and a half months in prison. The former priest must also register as a sex offender. Gugliotta was a priest an the Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey but lived in his Gouldsboro residence in Wayne County where he viewed and shared child pornography.

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit: Ocean County Jail</span>

Gabriel Costa from the Archdiocese of Newark said of the guilty priest, "While he'd prefer this didn't happen, he's used this nine, ten months almost as a retreat; he's prayed a lot." Forgive me but your punishment for dealing in child pornography shouldn't feel like a 'retreat'. The ministry in New Jersey has suspended him but the Archiocese of Newark is still deciding if he can return as a priest. How is that even a question? There is something seriously wrong with an organization that would even consider the possibility of putting a register sex offender anywhere in a position of authority near children. The former priest told officials he was 'mad at God because he wasn't winning his poker games' so he uploaded child porn to get back at him. That is a dangerous person who would follow that line of thinking to that conclusion. Gugliotta told the judge that he is sorry and he has 'prayed and fasted'.

Wayne County District Attorney Janine Edwards said in a statement, "The idea that this person is now thankful and sorry for his actions, that's fine. However, we can't reach out to these victims. There are children out there who have been harmed greatly by the fact he sat and downloaded and watched on multiple occasions". Since the former priest has already spent 10 months in jail he could be released as soon as one month from now. People caught with marijuana get heftier sentences, it is very disturbing to see this heinous crime treated in such a nonchalant manner and dismissed with a mere matter of months in jail. In the very least, this man should be banned from having any position of authority for the rest of his life.

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