By: Kyle James | 08-21-2017 | News
Photo credit: Channel 2 News

What We Can Learn From Otto Weininger About Richard Spencer, White Supremacy, And Zionism

American white supremacist Richard Spencer appeared in an interview on Israel's Channel 2 news and compared white supremacy to Zionism. "You could say I am a white-Zionis,t" he said in the interview prompting the usual backlash from social media and a smug look from the Israeli news anchor. Spencer claims in the clip that there is no categorical difference between the racially focused Alt Right and the Jewish State. The Jewish state is guided by the questionable concept that it is a 'Jewish Race'. Similarly, the Alt Right focuses on skin color and claims a racially oriented political identity.

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During the interview, Spencer says to the news anchor "As an Israeli citizen, someone who understands your identity, who has a sense of nationhood and peoplehood, and the history and experience of the Jewish people, you should respect someone like me." Spencer's' comparison of white nationalism to Zionism prompted a confused look from the Israeli Channel 2 news anchor leaving him surprisingly speechless. Spencer went on to say, "I care about my people, I want us to have a secure homeland for us and ourselves. Just like you want a secure homeland in Israel." His statements brought about a rather unsurprising series of backlash from social media.

This makes one wonder why if Richard Spencer and Jewish ID politics are both focused on biological factions, what is the basis of the Jewish attacks on Spencer and his views? It does seem rather hypocritical that Jewish politics are exceptionalist by nature yet Jewish political institutions are quick to denounce others celebrating their own cultural heritage. Why is this? The great Otto Weininger might have the answer when he said in the early 20th century "we only hate in others what we do not wish to be, and what notwithstanding we are partly." Perhaps those Jews who criticize and attack Spencer and his white nationalist views likely do so because they find their own racial supremacy impossible to deal with.

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