By: Red Pill | 07-31-2017 | News
Photo credit: Wikileaks

Wikileaks Publishes 21k+ French President Emmanuel Macron Emails

Wikileaks has just dumped over 21,075 allegedly verified emails from French President Emmanuel Macron and his associates, in an effort to display to the world the donor list and other Rothschild ties over the span of nine years from 2009-2017.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">RELEASE: 21,075 verified searchable emails from the campaign of President Macron <a href="">#MacronEmails</a> <a href="">#MacronLeaks</a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) <a href="">July 31, 2017</a></blockquote>

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Wikileaks has chosen to stick to their mantra of anonymity in regards to how these emails were obtained but there appears to be a treasure trove of documents here.

There's several anons on /pol/ already digging through the files with many of them finding <a href=""> mentions of the Rothschilds</a>, donor lists, financial contributions, and more.

<strong>The post from</strong> <a href="">Wikileaks Macron Emails</a> <strong>dump states the following:</strong>

<i>”Today, Monday 31 July 2017, WikiLeaks publishes a searchable archive of 21,075 unique verified emails associated with the French presidential campaign of Emmanual Macron. The emails range from 20 March 2009 to 24 April 2017. The 21,075 emails have been individually forensically verified by WikiLeaks through its DKIM system.”</i>

<i>”The full archive of 71,848 emails with 26,506 attachments from 4,493 unique senders is provided for context.”</i>

<i>”WikiLeaks only certifies as verified the 21,075 emails marked with its green "DKIM verified" banner however based on statistical sampling the overwhelming majority of the rest of the emails archive is authentic.”</i>

<i>“As the emails are often in chains and include portions of each other it is usually possible to confirm the integrity other emails in the chain as a result of the DKIM verified emails within it.”</i>

<i>”Guillaume Poupard, the head of French government cyber security agency ANSSI, told AP on June 1 this year that the method used to obtain the emails resembled the actions of an "isolated individual". Poupard stated that, contrary to media speculation, ANSSI could not attribute the attack to Russia and that France had previously been subject to hacking attacks designed to falsify attribution.”</i>

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">RELEASE: 25,439 email attachments associated with <a href="">#Macron</a>&#39;s presidential campaign <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) <a href="">July 31, 2017</a></blockquote>

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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 5903 2017-07-31 : 11:36

I guess everyone is going to regret not choosing Marine.

Anonymous No. 5908 2017-07-31 : 14:19

Any chance they can do the same with Trump?

Anonymous No. 5909 2017-07-31 : 14:26

Wikileaks have 'verified' them with DKIM;

Ah, so basically DKIM verifying is useless and has been for a while, whoops. I suppose super duper tricky wiki can't be expected to know that new measures have been around for some time, nevermind, i'm sure someone will leak them a memo.

Dintcha Nomey No. 5920 2017-07-31 : 22:29

You should know, the source of the graphic you have here attributed to Wikileaks is from a YouTube channel. Specifically, it was created by Stefan Molyneau of FreedomainRadio as a thumbnail for his video, published on May 5, 2017, titled, "It Happened Again! #MacronLeaks".

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