By: Anonymous | 11-16-2016 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater

Facebook and Google use 'Fake News' as an excuse for censorship

Orwellianism has arrived, in the guise of nerds hiding behind computers. These pale-looking digital overlords thought they could help put Hillary in the White House, but the election result clearly showed the limit of their powers. The Virtual Reality crowd got a bite of political reality instead. Their response today was to grant themselves even more powers to ban and suspend conservatives who had played an instrumental part in Trump's victory. Facebook employees met in secret without Zuckerberg, in what can only be described as a rebellion against their CEO, to begin banning right-wing activists. Twitter has been in on the act too. Mark Dice tweeted to Jack Dorsey of Twitter today, asking why he has been banned from getting notifications from other verified users. Brittany Pettibone has been complaining for the last couple of days that she is being shadow banned. She has been promoting the hashtag #SpeakFreely to call attention to this issue.

The irony in this sanction against fake news is that it was the main stream media and their pollsters that continually pushed lies for a year and a half. Liberals were shocked, and rightly so, that all the polls were wrong, and by a large margin. Would Google and Facebook consider these polls "fake news"? Of course not. Equally ironic is the fact that Face book and Twitter has been reluctant to ban or suspend Liberals who call for the assassination of Trump. It is this unequal application of Terms of Use that betrays their true purpose.

Tired of the Liberal technology monopolies, conservatives have begun a mass migration to Started by CEO Andrew Torba, is a new start-up that will not censor, suspend, or ban conservatives for telling the truth. Is it possible this could mean the end of Twitter and Facebook?

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