By: Printz | 06-06-2017 | News

London Bridge Terrorist Was a Known Threat - Nothing Done

Police today named two of the three London Bridge attackers as Khuram Butt, 27, and Rachid Redouane , 30.

It emerged that Butt, a former security guard, was known to the police and MI5 who opened an investigation into him in 2015.

A few months later, detectives got a call from a concerned member of the public on their anti-terrorism hotline with information about his extremism.

The guy was later filmed in by British TV station C4 unfurling an ISIS flag in a public park.

It has now emerged that he had links to notorious British ISIS executioners “Jihadi Sid” and the “Jihadi Giant.”

He was a supporter of the banned Islamist group al-Muhajiroun whose leader Anjem Choudary has been linked to the recruitment of more than 100 British terror suspects.

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4 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 3439 2017-06-06 : 07:49

#Butt was really an #ASS

Anonymous No. 3443 2017-06-06 : 15:37

Can't arrest anyone until they either have or are about to commit crime, or lastly you have actual proof, I know people who are vermin, but knowing them doesn't make me guilty any more than the take away guy who delivers food to cowardists, etc. So unless you want a state of living like that in Germany under Hitler, or USSR (Russia) or Lenin, Stalin (Communism).. or worse Russia under Putin, or horror of horrors America under Trump (as he dreams it), and frankly if that is how you want your world, then you are a coward and weak and the vermin have won. Personally I like being able to look at other people without shame.

redfoot No. 3461 2017-06-07 : 03:57

just look at jihad joe's nose and it tells you all you need to know. dudes either mossad, or monarch-mossad, take your pick hes an EDOMITE. end of story. muslim extremist my ass. isis = israeli secret intelligence service.

and another thing:

Anonymous No. 3570 2017-06-12 : 16:06

Redfoot I'm constantly amazed at you're ability….

to use a keyboard :)

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