By: Earnest Jones | 05-21-2017 | News
Photo credit: Tommy Jeffers |

Trump Is Capable Of The Impossible: Egyptian President Refers To His Unique Personality

President Trump’s demeanor was complimented by the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi who said that Trump has a unique personality and is capable of the impossible. The Egyptian president was speaking during a meeting with President Trump early Sunday in Saudi Arabia.

The Egyptian president thanked Trump for the strategic relationship between Egypt and the U.S., according to a reporter who is traveling with Trump, adding that Egypt is secure, able and stable with the cooperation of the U.S.

President Trump was also praised by Sisi as a unique personality who is capable of the impossible. Trump responded in laughter saying that he agrees.President Trump also responded to Sisi’s invitation by saying that he would visit Egypt soon.

The two leaders met at the White House in early April.

President Trump issued a statement back in April saying that Sisi had done a fantastic job in a very difficult situation. Sisi led a coup three years ago to depose Egypt's first freely elected president and faces criticism over alleged human rights abuses.

In a statement issued on Sunday by President Trump, the American people appreciated the release last month of Aya Hijazi. The Egyptian-American aid worker spent three years in a Cairo prison.


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