By: Earnest Jones | 10-28-2016 | News
Photo credit: Steve Snodgrass, Flickr

Trump unveils Masterplan for African Americans

The Republican nominee Donald Trump made a statement on Wednesday that guaranteed to implement a new deal for black America; this comes at a time when the polls show that the black community is not as well inclined to the Republican nominee as it is to the Democratic nominee, However, the Republican nominee has been making commendable progress in his race to the White House.

The Republican nominee Donald Trump said that when he gets into office, it will be the greatest victory for the African American community; he promised that he will always have the black community at heart and he’ll make sure that all his efforts are geared towards making sure that the African American community is taken care of.

Mr. Trump made a speech in which he addressed key political issues and aligned them with his plan; among the political specifics include, better educational institutions, reducing the prevalent crime rate amongst the African American community, and creation of jobs that remunerate their workers at a much better salary.

Mr. Trump addressed the audience and made it clear that the African American community has been ignored for a long time; Trump blamed the Democrats and Hillary Clinton for the increased violence and crime rate amongst The Blacks.

Trump was making his statements in a city that had been adversely affected by police killings. The killings led to protests after an unarmed black man was killed. Trump said that Clinton instigated the occurrence’s after she waged the war on police. He added that this was critical to the black people’s future and lives as he urged the residents and the police to collaborate.

Trump also promised to eradicate the gangs that are prevalent in the inner cities. Saying that the murder rate is at an all-time high compared to the last four decades. That some of the inner cities are more dangerous that the war zones in some countries.

He has a concrete plan that would entail giving states a chance to declare the various areas in shattered communities and offer them a chance, by giving loans to black entrepreneurs to create jobs and wealth. Unveiling a plan for the black community saying that the educational system needs a complete overhaul to accommodate the black community and make it affordable.

Key to his proposal, Trump highlighted the implementation of tax holidays for inner city investments and several incentives to be issued to foreign companies that intend to invest in the shattered American neighborhoods.

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