By: Red Pill | 06-13-2018 | News
Photo credit: The News Leader

Trump-Backed Corey Stewart Challenges Hillary VP Tim Kaine to Flip Blue Virginia Red

There's another battle brewing between Democrats and Republicans for the United States Senate seat of Virginia - where the longtime ally of President Trump - Corey Stewart - is now set to square off against Hillary Clinton's choice of Vice President - Tim Kaine.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Congratulations to Corey Stewart for his great victory for Senator from Virginia. Now he runs against a total stiff, Tim Kaine, who is weak on crime and borders, and wants to raise your taxes through the roof. Don’t underestimate Corey, a major chance of winning!</p>&mdash; Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href="">June 13, 2018</a></blockquote>

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This particular election is set to be explosive, one that defines a deep-seated hatred of globalism versus patriotism; with Tim Kaine being the epitome of everything the <i>”Make America Great Again”</i> and now the <i>”Keep America Great”</i> movement stands against.

Corey A. Stewart is not only taking on the former Vice Presidential candidate but was the 2016 Chair of the Donald J. Trump for President Campaign in Virginia.

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As the world watched patiently in 2016, then-Candidates Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence mopped the floor with Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine; as the United States of America brazenly chose the values and traditions of successful ambitions of the GOP over that of corruption and Communism, the two defining points of the Democratic Party.

Now, Virginians will have the next opportunity to send Hillary Clinton and the Democratic deception tactics further into the abyss, by voting for Corey A. Stewart, and helping to <i>”Drain The Swamp”</i> in the process.

President Trump's support of another candidate on Tuesday, newcomer Kate Arrington; helped bring the<a href=""> South Carolina House-hopeful </a>to defeat Incumbent RINO Representative Mark Sanford, in a stunning upset that showcases the fact that the American people have now become the “Party of Trump,” rejecting those who stand in the way of the President's agenda.

With one GOP swamp monster defeated, President Trump hopes to take down an additional swamp donkey in Tim Kaine this November by turning blue Virginia into a red state of support for his Administration.

<i>”Drain The Swamp”</i> is a slogan that Donald J. Trump campaigned on to the American people, promising that his Administration would work magic in the capabilities of removing both Democrats and Republicans who were more invested in lining their own pockets than that of putting America first; and at the end of the tough primary season the President expressed his support for Steward in fashion that he hopes will unseat the former Vice Presidential candidate of Tim Kaine once and for all.

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Stewart himself had claimed that RINOs within the Republican Party attempted to suppress his candidacy, although he overcame and walked away victorious in the primary.

He's also promoted strong Conservative principles, that of which the modern-day Republican Party has seemingly turned its back on, and a reason why Stewart has gained so much support from the working class.

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As a candidate, Stewart has stood up for iconic history such as the defacement of monuments and namesakes that have come under attack in Virginia in the last several years, promising to uphold the rightful history as Democrats attempt to rewrite it.

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Tim Kaine made headlines last year not for his own failures, but for passing those same losing genetics on to his son, who was<a href=""> arrested as a member of Antifa in a violent anti-Trump riot</a>, where the would-be domestic terrorists committed multiple crimes.

24-year-old Linwood Michael Kaine, 24, of Minneapolis, was charged in Ramsey County Friday with fleeing police on foot and concealing his identity in a public place, both misdemeanors, as well as a gross misdemeanor charge of obstructing the legal process with force.

The violent outburst occurred amidst a legally organized Trump Rally in Saint Paul, Minnesota, when a group of masked thugs from Antifa began to assault other patrons of the rally by throwing bottles, oftentimes containing urine or feces, setting off smoke bombs, and Linwood Kaine himself having been reported to have swung his arms at a police officer in an attempt to escape arrest.

That's not surprising, since his dad is a radical Communist, albeit the fact that the younger Kaine went on to receive probation for the crimes are even more concerning.

Last November, a<a href=""> member of Antifa was arrested in Florida with over 200 bomb-making materials </a>inside of his home, in what police described as an attempt to create a “weapon of mass destruction.”

This is the same organization in which the Democratic Party’s choice for Vice President's son was affiliated with, showcasing the true dangers of the liberal mindset, who cover their faces with masks and plan attacks against patriotic American citizens.

Knowing this, it should be imperative that the father responsible for breeding such a hateful mind be stopped in his ambitions to continue his lifelong political career, and further destroy the state of Virginia with liberal policies.

Hillary Clinton won Virginia by a slim margin in 2016, where the state has traditionally voted for the Democratic Party since the year 1900; but President Trump is betting that his successful Presidency, and the behavior of the violent resistance groups such as Antifa, where Tim Kaine’s son is known to associate with, will turn the state red in upcoming elections and vote for the Republican Party.

There's no doubt that there isn't a better message to send to the Democrats than defeating the once-Vice Presidential candidate they selected in Tim Kaine.

Stewart has also taken in the liberals of “fake news” CNN in recent months, making him a rising star among the GOP.

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There's no doubt that Stewart stands a fighting chance in Virginia if he's given the proper platform to receive attention, and liberals are fully aware of his populist support.

They're pushing claims that he's somehow “far right,” or “extreme,” based upon his support for longstanding traditional values.

With the support of President Trump, and raising awareness about decades of failed liberal policy in Virginia, Corey Stewart holds the potential to turn a deep blue base into a bright red shining star for the first time in years.

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