By: Red Pill | 04-09-2018 | News
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Celebrity Chef in Houston Released on Bond After Charged with Molesting Two Children

Disturbing news to report coming out of Houston, Texas - where a popular professional chef has been not only charged for sexually assaulting two underage children - but was released on bond after the alleged pedophile was taken into custody.

Law enforcement says that 59-year-old Bruce Molzan was charged on two individual counts of indecency with a child after the popular restaurant chain chef was accused by two children on emergency 911 calls of sexually abusing the two juveniles.

On April 4th, formal charges were filed in the Harris County District Court against Molzan, where he later posted a bond of $10,000 per charge against him.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Cooking Paleo with the Mayor of Bellaire’s House, with special guest Dennis Quaid for the hurricane relief! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Bruce Molzan (@ChefBruceMolzan) <a href="">November 12, 2017</a></blockquote>

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Each of the children is reported to have told investigators “graphic details” of the sexual abuse at the hands of the high-profile chef, in which Molzan is now ordered to have no contact with children under the age of 17 as per restrictions of his bond arrangement.

Molzan is also ordered to remain at least 200 feet from any school or educational center where children may attend, including any additional places of business that “children may frequent,” according to court documents.

In another guideline of the bond arrangement, Molzan is not allowed to use his cell phone, the internet, or any device which could connect to online services, as well as Molzan surrendering his passport until the completion of his trial.

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Molzan is the current Chef at the world-renowned Ruggles Black restaurant located at 3963 Kirby Drive in Houston, which serves a unique mixture of Indian, Asian, and American foods to high-profile celebrities and politicians as well as the general public.

Ruggles Black was founded by Molzan and Neera Patidar in 2014, which has been featured in numerous magazines and television series in the past.

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Molzan declares his innocence, and has claimed he will fight the charges against him, according to his attorney, Joel Androphy.

"The complaints dating about a year ago originate from a dispute in divorce court about which has been a breeding ground for untruths and unfounded accusations," Androphy said. "The complaints are false and we are confident that formal charges will be rejected by the DA and grand jury once the matter has been fully reviewed and investigated. It is unfair to judge him based on what has been made public."

“These complaints come out of a family court proceeding. There is visitation and child custody matters being litigated. There is no better way of gaining leverage in a child custody matter than by filing false complaints,”, Androphy continued. “We are prepared to deal with it and we are confident going forward that we can show the grand jury these charges are false. There won't be an indictment and the charges will be dismissed. Family court is a cesspool for these types of allegations.”

Just last year Molzan faced separate accusation by the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department about being connected to an illegal fishing network, described as being the “largest of its kind in Texas history,” by the<a href=""> TPWD’s press release</a>.

At that time, the TPWD said Bruce Molzan had not only purchased an estimated 28,000 pounds of unlawfully-caught finfish through "restaurant businesses he is associated with,” but sold the illegally obtained fish for a profit of around $400,000, according to the release.

State officials proceeded to launch an investigation into the above-mentioned unlicensed commercial fishing operation in southeastern Texas, where nearly a dozen fishermen are accused of selling the illegal fish to restaurants.

A year later, the US Coast guard captured an unlicensed fishing boat, which is in connection to the case, with nearly 500 red snappers, weighing 1,900 pounds, as reported by<a href=""> ABC Channel 13.</a>

It's been almost one year exactly since Molzan was implicated in the illicit fishing scheme, on April 5th of 2017, and he's now facing charges for allegedly molesting the two children.

Molzan is now free and in the public, where he intends to continue to fight the allegations against him when he appears befora e court again later this month.

If you or anyone you know has any additional information to assist law enforcement in this case you can contact the Houston Police Department at (713) 884-3131, or the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department at (409) 983-1104.

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Linda No. 22743 2018-04-09 : 20:52

Castrate this SOB

Jeff No. 22745 2018-04-09 : 23:07

This guy pushes Paleo. Give me a break. If the Paleo method of eating was so awesome why did our ancient ancestors who ate the diet only live to be 32? That alone shows he's a charlatan…apparently one who likes little kids.

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