By: Earnest Jones | 04-10-2017 | News
Photo credit: The Last Stand | YT

Richard Spencer Punched In The Face Again

The Alt Right movement leader Richard Spencer just got beaten up again, and this time he had to get along with a few punches to the face. Richard Spencer has emerged as the controversial figurehead of the so-called Alt Right movement, he has taken the initiative of spreading his white nationalist beliefs as he rose to prominence during the 2016 election.

Despite helping the Alt Right movement to gain a lot of fame, he has also become a target for critics by those who claim that Alt Right is anti-Semitic and racist.

Spencer was attacked this weekend while he was leading a demonstration in Washington, D.C. The protest was against the military strikes against Syria. Shortly after addressing the crowd at the rally, he was reportedly confronted by a group of counter-protesters who shouted Go home Nazis and called him a Nazi snowflake.

Spencer was then chased by counter-protesters across the park as the police followed along. One of the videos showing the confrontations contained some explicit language as the confrontation took place. Spencer tried to escape but was reportedly beaten by the crowd and glitter bombed. He was allegedly pulled out of a cab by counter-protesters who punched him ruthlessly.

The Alt Right movement leader said that the Antifa disallowed him to get in his getaway car and then police instructed him to get in a cab. Once he was in one the cab driver got out of the cab, frightened of the following protesters, and Spencer had to take off running.

The short clip of Richard Spencer being attacked is circulating online. This is not the first time that Spencer has been attacked by anti-fascist groups. In January, he was in punched in the face during a live interview as he was explaining the significance of the Pepe the Frog mascot.

The attack which took place in Washington, D.C., during Donald Trump’s inauguration was celebrated by many, and a video of Spencer being punched in the face quickly turned into a viral meme. The recent punch has also been celebrated by many. Spencer’s attack was not a coincidence since anti-racist and anti-fascist groups have been spreading the word that Spencer would be in attendance.

The majority of people encouraged violence against Spencer as support for violent confrontation was encouraged. However, the police authorities have not confirmed if the attacker was arrested or if Spencer was hurt.


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