By: Savannah Smith | 04-06-2017 | News
Photo credit: Elliott Brown | Flickr

Trump's Tough Policies On Illegal Immigration Already Bringing Results

President Donald Trump's resolve to control illegal immigration is already showing strong results. The White House said lesser people being apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border since Trump took office is proof of this.

There is a dramatic decrease in the number of people being apprehended at the border under the Trump administration. In fact, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said that 12,500 were apprehended by U.S. authorities after trying to illegally enter the U.S. from Mexico in March. The number happens to be the lowest monthly figure of apprehensions for illegal immigrants in more than 17 years.

The Department of Homeland Security ( DHS) said that the rise or fall in the number of apprehensions can serve as a rough guide to how many people are trying to enter U.S. territory illegally.

White House press secretary credits the initial positive results to the administration's efforts to stop illegal immigration like expanding the border patrol, cracking down on sanctuary cities, and focusing resources to building a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

The number of people not being allowed to enter the U.S. has also been going down since Trump took office. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that they turned down 16,600 people from entering the U.S. The March number is down by 35% from February, which in turn was down 61% since January.

Some may say that the number of apprehensions usually go down during winter months, but March's figure is also down 64% compared to the same month last year, under the Obama administration.

Kelly said that such a dramatic decrease in apprehensions show that Trump's strong stance and policies on immigration is already causing fear in potential illegal immigrants, enough to make more of them stop trying to even enter the U.S.

More results can be expected once other greater measures to stop illegal immigration especially from Mexico are in place, with the building of the border wall.

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