By: Red Pill | 03-09-2018 | News
Photo credit: CNN

Breaking: President Trump Agrees to Meet Kim Jong Un, North Korea to End Nuclear Ambitions

The tough rhetoric and strangling sanctions by President Trump on North Korea's Kim Jong Un have proven to be victorious, as the isolated nation's leader has now invited President Trump to a private meeting and simultaneously agreed to end his nuclear ambitions through intercontinental ballistic missile testing, which the President of the United States of America has agreed to meet for.

This historic moment will prove to save the entire planet, with Kim Jong Un has struck fear into America's allies such as neighboring Japan and Guam, both of which have been subject to overhear missile testing from North Korea in the past several years.

Democrats are once again eating their words, after President Trump has proven that he's always right, and that threatening to retaliate against North Korea with<a href=""> "Fire and Fury" </a>did exactly what it was intended to do: force the North Korean leadership to support community organizing and come to the table to make an agreement that would help feed and preserve the people of North Korea as well as protect the world from the threat of nuclear war.

One has to be in awe of what North Korea was able to accomplish in terms of their nuclear success, despite many nations have tried for decades and still remaining unsuccessful.

The President of the United States of America first claimed a victory when talks between South Korea and North Korea bore fruit at the 2018 Olympics, showing that the endless championing from the Trump Administration could promote peace through the threat of war.

Kim Jong Un, and President Trump, if he so shall accept such a meeting, as most expect he will, could sign an arms treaty that forever secures the Pacific, and the rest of the world.

President Trump will also be making an enormous announcement publicly, which is expected to be a response to such an invitation from North Korea's Kim Jong Un.

It's believed, although not confirmed, that the two leaders will meet in South Korea.

Thank God for President Trump, the hero of the ages.

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3 Comment/s
Anonymous No. 20168 2018-03-09 : 00:34

Rocket boy the meet up!

mary Karling No. 20172 2018-03-09 : 01:56

Just as long as we all remember - his people are actually eating their relatives . Lack of food will do that to you !👎🏻

Anonymous No. 20186 2018-03-09 : 10:13

Given all the banter between the 2… It will be a game of "Dis' yo mama." or maybe Rocket Boy is worried of a Elite Class Coup if the embargo's are not ended.

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