By: Earnest Jones | 03-14-2017 | News
Photo credit: Enriquecalvoal |

President Trump to Meet Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago next month

Chinese President Xi Jinping will be meeting with President Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago. This will be the first time that the two leaders meet in April.

White House officials said that the two will meet in April. No one knows how the meeting will go. President Trump has severally said that China has been stealing American jobs and manipulating currency.

President Trump had promised to declare China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. He has not yet followed through on that.

However, President Trump has said that he is not okay with China’s currency manipulating ways. He told Reuters that China is a grand champion in currency manipulation.

President Trump made his first phone call to Xi on the February 10th. He was friendly during the long conversation.

Trump agreed to honor the one China policy. He also promised to maintain the status quo. However, Trump had previously said that he was going to change the status quo. He intends to change the trade agreements.

Just after the inauguration, President Trump angered China by speaking with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen over the phone.

The phone call broke the US diplomatic protocol that has been in place for a long time. President Trump also said that the one China policy should be negotiated.

He intends to use the policy to make a better deal with China concerning economic matters. Trump said that he understands the one China policy.

However, he said that he does not know why the U.S. has to be restricted by the policy. Sean Spicer was asked whether Trump got something for agreeing to honor the one China policy.

In response, Spicer said that President Trump always gets something. However, he said that it was not clear what that something was.

Maybe Trump was able to convince Xi to agree to meet with some of his close associates.


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