By: Red Pill | 01-24-2018 | News
Photo credit: Uganda Standard

Uganda President: "I Love Trump. America Has The Best President Ever"

Uganda's President just said something that's going to infuriate the liberals who've tried to depict the President of the United States of America as a racist - and I dare them to question the African leader - who said, "I love President Trump."

<img src="" style="max-height:640px;max-width:360px;">

<span style="margin-top:15px;rgba(42,51,6,0.7);font-size:12px;">Credit:<a href=""> Uganda Standard</a></span>

In a<a href=""> brutally open </a> and honest interview with the Uganda leader, the<a href=""> Washington Post reported </a> that despite the President of the United States of America being honest in referring to many third-world countries as being a "shithole" (newsflash: it's the truth), the Uganda leader President Yoweri Museveni said that "America has got one of the best Presidents ever."

Wew. Leftists are triggered. So is the African leader a bigot? A racist? A white supremacist? I somehow doubt you'll succeed with that argument.

Museveni continued, "I don't know whether he was misquoted or whatever. But he talks to Africans frankly. In the world, you cannot survive if you are weak."

He's right. The strong shall survive and the weak? Well, they'll be eaten alive.

As some remember, President Trump reportedly asked his team, "Why are we having all these people come here?" with the media blasting him saying those countries were "shitholes," which I certainly hope he said, just because it's the truth.

"I love Trump because he tells Africans frankly," President Yoweri Museveni said.

The left has lost their minds at this point. When foreign leaders (except for the Communists) agree with the President, it's a sure-fire sign he's doing something right.

<strong><span style="color:red;">Tips? Info? Send me a message!</span></strong>

—<i>[email protected]</i>

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