By: Savannah Smith | 03-07-2017 | News
Photo credit: The Goldwater

The Honorable Dr. Ben Carson Slave Remark Quoted Out Of Context By #MSM

Twitter user and Trump and #MAGA supporter @BasedVet comes to the defense of Dr. Ben Carson over his statement supposedly likening slaves with immigrants. @BasedVet in a Twitter message posted that "Ben Carson never said slaves were immigrants. He said that immigrants came on slave ships. Ask the Irish.

In a couple of hours, the message has already garnered 319 retweets and 455 likes, and counting. The post also triggered a dynamic discussion among @BasedVet followers, and other netizens who read the message. Others strongly disagreed with @BasedVet, while many also agreed with him. One user said that: "Yep. Most people do not know there were Irish slaves here before blacks. People should learn history, it will set them free."

Carson delivered his first official address as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development with a roomful of federal workers in the audience. The accomplished neurosurgeon said in his speech, "That's what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who come here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they, too, had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great grandsons, great granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land."

The statements of the good doctor were actually inspiring, empowering and inclusive that honor the hardships and sacrifices of immigrants for the love of their families, and the openness and land of opportunity and dreams that America has always been to many. Yet the petty left and crazy liberals, along with the cooperation of biased media always in the look out for the next gaffe or blunder of President Trump and any of his men and women to feast on, readily scored Carson's for supposedly claiming slaves were immigrants or worse for ignorantly "rewriting history." That was never the intention.

A senior HUD official who spoke with the Chicago Tribune on the condition of anonymity said that Carson was just making a point about people who came to the U.S. for a better life for their kids. The official said that nobody in the audience and HUD family "put two and two together and came to five. Only the most cynical interpretation would conflate voluntary immigration to this country with involuntary servitude."

Carson following tweets that were also misinterpreted clarified with a Facebook post that the slave narrative and immigrant narrative are two entirely different experiences. He also said that the immigrants made the choice to come to America. In contrast, slaves were forced here against their will and lost all their opportunities.

The mainstream media eager to put malice and make the Trump appear more controversial, inept and politically-incorrect before the public deviously and deliberately misquoted the honorable doctor when there was really no issue to begin with. The public should know better about the manipulative maneuverings of mainstream media.


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Anonymous No. 1648 2017-03-07 : 11:34

Stupid MSM, trying to make a big deal out of nothing. Carson has my support, a good man and a great doctor.

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