By: Anonymous | 10-10-2016 | News
Photo credit: Flickr/ Gage Skidmore

Hillary Clinton Losing Bernie Sanders’ Supporters After WikiLeaks Revelation on Open Trade

After attempting to appeal to Bernie Sanders’ followers by inviting him to her campaign, Hillary Clinton has now drew the ire of her former Democratic rival’s supporters after WikiLeaks made its latest revelation.

The newest exposé, which was published online by WikiLeaks last Friday, revealed the hacked emails from Clinton’s camp. These emails were taken from the account of the Democratic nominee’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

In one of the emails, which was for a private speech for a Brazilian bank, Clinton expressed her support in establishing a common market through open trade once she is appointed president.

This, of course, strongly contradicts one of her main platforms about imposing stricter trade policies to ensure the welfare of workers and companies operating within the U.S.

The newest revelation has started causing trust issues among many of Clinton’s supporters because it affirms what Sanders said about her before the primary election. Sanders, who was been a vocal critic of open trade deals that mainly favor powerful banks and corporations, previously criticized Clinton for her attempts to appease Wall Street with her questionable trade policies.

Although the Secretary of State has already backed away from this stance, it appears she is still secretly planning on enforcing open trade with open borders if elected into office.

“This is a very clear illustration of why there is a fundamental lack of trust from progressives for Hillary Clinton,” Tobita Chow, a chairperson for the People’s Lobby in Chicago, a group that supports Sanders, said according to Reuters.

“The progressive movement needs to make a call to Secretary Clinton to clarify where she stands really on these issues and that’s got to involve very clear renunciations of the positions that are revealed in these transcripts,” Chow added.

Clinton has not yet responded to the matter but her running mate, Tim Kaine, was grilled on the issue during a recent interview on CNN. During the discussion, Kaine struggled to answer the questions related to the hacked emails and Clinton’s plan to establish trade deals that would seemingly affect big banks.

During the discussion with Jake Tapper of CNN, Kaine kept on insisting that there is currently no way to verify the authenticity of the transcripts released by WikiLeaks since the hackers may have already modified them. Kaine also did not clarify whether or not Clinton is planning on pushing policies that will favor free trade and open borders.

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