By: Steve Dellar | 01-01-2018 | News
Photo credit: Viacheslav Zyrianov |

The Goldwater Explains How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Later on today, I’ll be doing some running, which for me is a natural habit by now. As it is January first, I’ll be joined by a lot of people I’ve never seen before on my tour and some that I have. Many of those that I’ve never seen before are, just as so many of us, starting the new year full or fervour and excitement for their New Year’s resolution.

Scientifically speaking, they will keep those up for about three weeks. At around January 22nd, most of us will let go of those resolutions and return to our old habits.

The most quoted resolutions in the US this year will once again be to “get healthy,” “get organized,” “live life to the fullest,” “learn new hobbies,” “spend less/save more” and, of course, “travel.”

The number one resolution ‘get healthy’ means lose weight, get in shape and well as stop smoking. It tops the list every year.

We here at the Goldwater are committed to improving every one of our readers if we can, so here are our hints and tips to keep those new year’s resolutions.

<b>Involve others</b>

Tell people around you what you are planning to change in your life so that by the first sign of giving up there is someone there to remind you what you’ve committed to. If your resolution is to get healthy and do more sports, involve friends on those runs or gym sessions in the beginning.

<b>Be specific about it</b>

Set a goal, keep a record, be specific about what you want to achieve and if you must, post it on social media. Professor Neil Levy of the University of Oxford explains: "We don't want to get a reputation as unreliable, so publicly announcing our plans can be motivating. Betting can be still more motivating."

Saying to your friends "I'll go to the gym on Tuesday afternoons and Saturday mornings," or in other words being specific about it, is more likely to be successful than simply saying "I'll go to the gym more."

<b>Reward yourself</b>

No one changes their life overnight, so make sure you have something to work towards. My resolution, which I now publicly share, is to lose 5 kilograms in the next three months and keeping those off, though as soon as I’ve reached my goal, I’ll probably invite the missus for a restaurant dinner to celebrate and will have a go at that last kilogram again.

<b>Plan ahead</b>

Set aside time in your schedule for the next few weeks to do whatever it is you aim to achieve because otherwise, you will fail the first day things will become stressful or something unexpected happens.


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