By: Earnest Jones | 12-27-2017 | News
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New Evidence: Noah Ark Buried in Turkish Mountains?

The classic Biblical tale about Noah's Ark when God planned an Earth-wide flood and made Noah build a huge boat to keep him and two of every animal safe for the future is a profound story in the scriptures.

It turns out that the remains of Noah's Ark have been found on a mountain in Turkey, according to some experts. Investigators claim that the biblical ship could finally be uncovered on Mount Ararat - also known as Agri Mountain, in Agri, Turkey.

Pictures obtained from the site of discovery are very convincing. More evidence is set to be uncovered by American researcher Professor Paul Esprante, who was speaking to a gathering of over 100 scientists from Turkey and around the world at a three-day symposium, to prove that Noah’s Ark landed there.

Esprante made a statement saying: "My purpose is to visit the sites around the mountain to find clues about catastrophic events in the past.

"I think that rigorous, serious scientific work is needed in the area, and I would like to collaborate in that. We have technical resources and we can work together with local experts.

"The result of my findings will be published in books, publications, and journals, but at this point, it is too early to know what we are going to find.

"Once the scientific community knows about the existence of Noah's Ark in Mount Ararat, we can make it available to the general public."

The Bible indicates that Noah took a male and a female of every animal aboard his ship to avoid a giant flood sent to destroy everything on Earth. The animals were then able to repopulate the entire planet, which sounds like a pretty hectic schedule for them, to be fair.

The book of Genesis 8:4 indicates that the Ark landed on the 'mountains of Ararat' on the 150th day of the great flood.

Dr Andrew Snelling wrote on "Several teams have continued searching for the real Ark.

"Most of them have focused on Mount Ararat in northeastern Turkey, where eyewitness accounts of a wooden structure have spurred interest for centuries.

"The biblical reference to 'mountains of Ararat' as the landing site of the Ark suggests those mountains formed well before the Flood ended.

"The Flood was a global catastrophe that totally reshaped the earth's geology, and the earth's surface has continued to change since then.

"Perhaps the geology of the modern Mount Ararat region sheds light on whether we should be looking for Noah's Ark on that mountain."


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