By: Katherine Davis | 12-13-2017 | Weird
Photo credit: Marijus Auruskevicius | Dreamstime

Children Stone Candyless Santa in Brazil

It didn't end well for Santa in the city of Itatiba, in upstate São Paulo.

Every year during the holiday season, private citizens volunteer as Santa and his helpers to distribute free candy to local children in the neighborhood of Porto Seguro. In the spirit of Christmas, locals are encouraged to contribute to the festive efforts by donating candy to the volunteers.

Just like last year, Santa Luizão, an Itatiba local who runs a funeral parlor, stepped up to the challenge.

On December 10, a Sunday, things were going fine until the children realized Santa was out of candy. Around seven kids, ages 9-12, got very angry and reportedly started running after the makeshift sleigh (a truck), "cursing and throwing rocks and candy" at the Santa entourage.

Santa Luizão escaped safe and sound, but one of his helpers almost got hit in the head. This is not the first time Santa is stoned in that neighborhood.

Later, event organizers took to Facebook to talk about what happened: attendance was much higher than expected and "unfortunately, in that moment, the candy ran out! The tradition has been dying little by little!"

According to the post, the volunteers went to the main streets of each Itatiba neighborhood, but they ran out of sweets because the candy-raising efforts fell short this year or, as they put it, residents failed to donate an amount of candy that was "sufficient to supply all neighborhoods."

They also addressed the unruly Porto Seguro children, saying there were "[n]o hard feelings, by December 25 we'll try to pass by the main street, but we are very dependent on candy donations to do it, but we still believe and we'll continue this tradition that brings so much joy to everyone in Itatiba."


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