By: Earnest Jones | 12-01-2017 | News
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Bizzare: Salvage Parents Put Tiny Baby Boy in The Microwave – Cause Second-degree Burns

This is nothing but pure savagely at its very best coupled with some insanity, we all know that microwaves are used for warming foods but two parents had an obscene use for this tool.

The two inhuman parents decided to put their tiny baby in a microwave oven and as a result causing him horrific burns. Identified as Derick Boyce-Slezak and wife Mikala, both 22, the two were charged with felony abuse or neglect of a child by police in Missouri, USA, on Tuesday.

They were arrested after taking the little boy, who is younger than four months old, to hospital with a rash on his face. The doctors discovered the 'rash' was actually a second-degree burn and further tests revealed the child had a skull fracture and a brain injury.

According to court documents, seen by The St Louis Post Dispatch, the Boyce-Slezaks are accused of dropping their baby while trying to imitate a TV commercial and zapping him in a microwave. However, the parents told doctors the burns were caused by cleaning chemicals.

In a court hearing on Monday, Mikala invoked her right against self-incrimination when asked about the baby's injuries, the documents say. Derick did not testify.

A statement from a representative from the Missouri Department of Social Services said Mikala Boyce-Slezak had earlier stated that she intended to testify the head wounds were a result of Derick dropping the infant while trying to imitate what he saw on an advert.

According to Mikala, she believed Derick had placed the infant in a microwave and turned it on for a “short period of time”. Due to the horrific nature of the allegations, both are being held in custody at St Francois County Jail on $500,000 (£370,000) bail each.


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