By: Red Pill | 11-04-2017 | News
Photo credit: ABC 10

“Forgiveness is Swallowing When You Want to Spit” Sign Outside Florida Church Sparks Controversy

If you're a Christian, you probably believe that God is watching over us, every step we take and every move we make, and you also probably believe that we're all born into sin, and that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and that we're forgiven of them because of His sacrifice.

Christians also believe that they should come into the House of God on Sundays not only to Praise God and life but also to ask the Lord for His forgiveness as we give thanks and prayer.

However for a Church in Edgewater, Florida; they're not asking the Lord for His forgiveness, but instead asking the community to forgive them for their perverse message hanging on the sign out in front of the building.

Bella Villa Baptist Church is located at 3232 South Ridgewood Avenue in Edgewater, and has been a pillar of the community with a positive reputation.

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However now the Church has a new reputation it's likely not wanting to embrace, for having a sign in front of the building with sexual innuendo and references written on it.


No, I'm dead serious, that's what's hanging on the sign in front of the Church.

Now I know what you're probably thinking, that it's normally Catholics which promote sexual degeneracy right?

Jokes aside, the Catholic Church is ran by the Synagogue of Satan who are not only international Communists but also pedophile enablers, and there's no comparison between that type of evil and the mistakes of a Church in Florida.

A Baptist church, especially one like Bella Villa in Edgewater, is typically the denomination or “brand” you see across the Sunshine State of Florida; which is one of the more religious states in the United States of America, where an overwhelming majority of citizens identify with Christ as their Savior.

As per Bella Villa, local residents sat the Church gives back to the community through food drives and assistance and always organizes to help those in need whenever possible.

Several representatives from the Church argue that the sign was “completely innocent” and that the sign “was intended as encouragement to forgive”.

You hear that folks? Bella Villa Baptist Church did nothing wrong!

No seriously, it seems like an incredibly ignorant blunder to make on their behalf,especially considering the troll-filled environment we live in currently in the year 2017.

Not to mention, to anyone who reads this sign Christian or not, there's a stereotype that exists about both Pastors and Priests and perverted histories of the Church, that's just undeniable.

Whomever placed this sign up clearly didn't take that into consideration when they added the lettering.

An Edgewater resident says she originally posted an image of the sign to Facebook which she had to delete off Facebook due to it going viral and her receiving tens of thousands of notifications.

"Don't think they thought this through,” said the woman who asked to remain anonymous now due to the harassment she's received from extremist Christians who apparently think she was trying to embarrass the Church.

The Church has asked their members to not participate in any harassment of anyone posting what's not considered a sexual joke K social media.

In fact most of the people taking it overly personal aren't even in the state of Florida to begin with, they're just virtue signaling all over social media about an image which regardless of how you feel about it was the blunder of the Church to begin with.

It's kind of funny honestly.

That brought the attention of the Church to the sign who had it our front for several days unaware of what they say was an unintended subliminal message.

"We apologize if anyone was offended," said representatives of Bella Villa Baptist Church, who have now promised to take down the sign.

“We would never give the impression that God would refer to something perverted”, the representative said. “We just want people to be reminded of what Jesus would do in this situation.”

Honestly Jesus would probably laugh too, not at the sign, but at how ignorant some people are in social media.

Best of luck to Bella Villa Baptist Church in Edgewater, and hopefully they've learned to swallow this one, because nobody appreciates a spitter.


—<i>[email protected]</i>

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Anonymous No. 11153 2017-11-05 : 10:46

pic related has been around for decades

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