By: Anonymous | 09-26-2016 | News
Photo credit: Flicker Sean Fenlon


With six weeks to go until the most confrontational presidential election of the 21st century. Voters

are worried about the security of their homes and businesses, and are having to make a decision on who they feel will provide the better security for their personal safety.

On the one hand there is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The inside the beltway, expert on the Washington Political scene and deal.

On the other hand there is the mega successful Donald J Trump. Everyone’s favorite billionaire. He is an outsider to the Washington scene, but well known to Americans, and trusted for his business savvy and commitment to excellence.

Trump reacted to the news of the bomb going off in New York City telling the American people to get “Tough, Smart and Vigilant and we are going to end it.” With his clear message of making America great again emblazoned on his baseball cap.

Clinton, with slurred speech apparently under the influence of alcohol or perhaps drugs for her current illness. Said she would pray for the victims, and support the first responders, and when she knew more about the situation she would say more.

Later after the facts

Clinton cleaned up her response saying.

“I think it is important for voters to know

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